La Lengua

La Lengua
Lengua que aparece en los discos de los Rolling Stones.

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

I know that's why they called Fake News

I know that's why they called it Fake News/( I guess that's why they called it the Blues)

“When they go high, we go down and the fake news go lower”Parafrasis de Hillary Clinton

El ya desacreditado NYT  New York Times (periódico) vuelve a hacerlo,al igual que CNN,el WAPO, etc  y después les molesta que les llamen Fake News o creadores de noticias falsas.Parece que el NYT esta en mala situacion financiera ya que se inventan Three Days News; noticias falsas que se desmienten en dos o tres dias, en su caso, con el propósito de vender periodicos por tres dias, aunque despues le caigan "chinches", bajan a nivel del fango. Pero sus lectores no aprenden; son peores que el ganado; que lo engañas una vez y caen, la segunda vez sospechan aunque algunos  a veces son engañados por segunda vez pero de seguro no caen una tercera vez, lo que indican que hasta las reses son mas inteligentes que los lectores del Times. A menos que ...quieran vivir de la fantasia, escapar de la realidad y el Times sea su metodo de evasion para no aceptar que ellos y su candidata Hillary "Can't Climb the Hill" Clinton perdieron las elecciones del 2016 cuando las mismas fake news" les hicieron creer que tenian entre un 96 y un 98% de posibilidades de ganar.¿Quien puede creer las encuestas del WAPO, digo del Washington Post? Sigan durmiendo de ese lado que en noviembre de 2018 se van a volver a caer y se van a dar bien "duro,duro,duro" duro contra el piso. 

A continuacion, el nuevo capitulo de la novela titulada: Me lo invente y que. Este capitulo muestra la filtracion de un ensayo  de un supuesto interno de la Casablanca contando una nueva version de Alicia en el pais de las maravilla, esta vez en  La Casablanca, al fin al cabo fue solo un plagio de un ensayo de un-a estudiante de USC (Universidad de California del Sur) copiado a pocos minutos de ser publicado en el 5 de septiembre de 2018. A alguien del WAPO le pareció prometedor el ensayo y se lo robó sin pensarlo mucho, aceptando implícitamente que el chico o /la chica de la universidad era mucho más inteligente que él y que todos los empleados del periódico.
¿ Le habrán pagado algo al autor o autora del ensayo que al menos comparte su ideología política?

Filosofia Fake News (Fake News Philosophy) : Si no puedes decir la verdad, ni tienes la creatividad ni  inteligencia para trastocar la verdad de forma sutil y cuasi-logica, entonces; plagia, copia, imita, inventa mentiras; todo, con el sublime proposito de llevar comida a tu hogar aunque tu vocacion periodística se haya ido al carajo. 

El ridículo del siglo: Cuando el New York Times y la revista Newsweek publicaron que Hillary "Can't Climb the Hill"Clinton había ganado la presidencia de usamérica.

This is from Jim Stone Freelance page: Jim


 HOUSE FAKE *I= Jim Stone

     I called it and was correct, and to cause Trump to doubt his base. Scroll down the 
 page a ways, my post on this topic is there.
The following turned up on Twitter. I cannot post screen captures in combat mode, so I will 
simply paste the text. The actual tweet stream is HERE

     The treason piece was submitted as part of a college essay by a USC student on 
September 5th. It did not originate within the white house. The MSM figured it sounded 
good so they published it to sow discord within the Trump administration, and attempt
 to get Trump to self-destruct the white house.

     Here is the entire tweet stream and it is important to actually click in, because this twitter 
feed actually goes through the steps, and shows how it comes up as a submission by a 
college student as part of an essay. I was not the only one questioning whether or not the 
letter was legit I guess.

     Here is the tweet stream from @torian_girl, and the priceless response:

"1. Brace yourself. I’m going to figuratively stomp on the brakes. I think it is terribly 
important to stop and take note of today’s major event - an event that has never happened 
before in the storied history of the US of A

2. I believe most Americans have witnessed the major print and media outlets act in such increasingly egregious
 manners that with each successive act of media malfeasance we've become a bit inoculated 
against our justified outrage.

3. The New York Times printed an opinion piece from a supposed mole within the Trump 
Administration today. Put aside that it is patently fake news for a moment. Whether it is true 
or not (it isn't), is not the most important issue at hand.

4. The issue at hand is that the New York Times is either willing to aid and abet a clearly seditious person within the administration, or by publishing such a false story, they've committed an act of sedition themselves.

5. Today they crossed the Rubicon. They are either hiding the identity of an individual who 
wishes to overthrow the current administration, or they are attempting to do it themselves by 
publishing the story they did today.

6. Either way, they have very clearly committed unlawful actions and should be held 
accountable for them. At best, they were duped by a "journalist" into publishing fake news, 
or they are abetting seditious, treasonous individuals."

@mightycassandra then posted the following, including the college essay it originated from

"Or duped by a USC student, which is my theory. I ran the "essay" through . 
It popped as a 100% match to a USC student essay, turned in w/out citation-making it an 
original essay-sept 5-overachiever! Archived & submitted to the repository w/in minutes of NYT

My comment so the NYT dug up a college essay within minutes of it hitting the college archives
 and becoming searchable, and published it with a fake back story to cause the Trump 
administration to implode on itself. That's quite a psych war tactic.

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